Friday, March 20, 2015

Play Cornhole This Weekend in Peachtree City!

By Nancy Price, Executive Director Peachtree City CVB

Today and tomorrow, Peachtree City will host it’s first American Cornhole Tournament! Everyone is invited to come out, watch, and try your hand at the game.

But what is Cornhole? Here are some facts from the American Cornhole Organization website:

“It has been called many things, Corn Toss, Bean Bag, Bean Toss, Soft Horseshoes, Indiana Horseshoes, but to many of us born and raised in Kentucky and the southern part of Ohio, the game is passionately referred to as Cornhole.

It has been said that the game originated in Germany in the 14th century, and then was rediscovered in the hills of Kentucky over 100 years ago.

The truth is, who really knows, but the game is great fun for all ages and can be played anywhere!

Cornhole or Corn Toss is similar to horseshoes except you use wooden boxes called cornhole platforms and corn bags instead of horseshoes and metal stakes. Contestants take turns pitching their corn bags at the cornhole platform until a contestant reaches the score of 21 points. A corn bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point.

Scoring can be swift and the lead may change hands several times in a match before the winner is decided.

The game is generally played tournament style with an individual or team being named the champion at the end of the tournament.
Corn Toss...Bean Bag...Bean Toss...Cornhole?

Why play Cornhole / Corn Toss?

The biggest reasons to play Cornhole or Corn Toss instead of horseshoes or other similar games is that Cornhole can be played anywhere and everyone can play Cornhole.

If you can aim and toss a corn bag 30 feet, you can master the game of Cornhole – It’s great for family outings.

Cornhole can be played anywhere – driveways, parks, backyard, campgrounds, beaches and even in-doors.

Safe for everyone – no metal or pointed objects. Corn bags are made of extra soft 12 oz. duck canvas material and filled with pliable high quality feed corn.

No muss; no fuss. Two cornhole platforms and 8 corn bags and you’re ready to play the game.

Very portable. Can be taken anywhere. Fits in most car trunks and there arefold-down models that are even more portable.

Horseshoes require a sand pit and are hard for the kids to pitch, lawn darts require a lawn and hasn’t been seen since the 70’s, ring toss was made for children and bean bags are for wimps; Cornhole is the game for everyone!”

The Peachtree City CVB invites everyone to come out and give Cornhole a try. The 2-day event is at the Peachtree City Tennis Center and begins this afternoon at 4pm. There will be music, food, and fun! Just $5.

For more information, visit our website.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Happy Birthday Peachtree City!

By Nancy Price, Executive Director Peachtree City CVB

In the 1950’s, a group of real estate developers amassed over 12,000 acres in Fayette County to build a planned community. Peachtree City was chartered March 9, 1959. The city was planned to be developed into villages, each with its own shopping areas, elementary schools, recreational parks, facilities and more. Peachtree City's current villages are Aberdeen, Braelinn, Glenloch, Kedron, and Wilksmoor.

Outdoor recreation in Peachtree City.
On Monday, March 9, Peachtree City turns 56 years old! Plan a visit to our town and see what we’ve done in 56 years! Take advantage of over 24 square miles of resort-style living and 90 miles of multi-use recreational and golf cart paths. Peachtree City's green lifestyle offers a unique setting for outdoor recreation, leisure activities, and much more.

Peachtree City is one of the best known and most successful planned cities in the nation. To hear an interview by WABE 90.1 FM reporter Steve Goss with Georgia State University historian Cliff Kuhn about the concept of planned cities and the beginning history of Peachtree City, go to the WABE website.

To learn more about our planned city and to make plans to experience Peachtree City for yourself, check out our Peachtree City Convention and Visitors Bureau website.